Friday, March 25, 2011

Frustrated @ Work for the 1st time

I am angry with my boss
5 Reasons why you are Unproductive at work!

5 reasons you are unproductive at workYou know there is something wrong in the way you work when, even after being in the office for 9 hours, you haven’t finished much work. You see your colleagues packing up or chilling while you seem on a frenzy to finish work and go home. The result- there are many mistakes and you are stressed out!
Similarly you find yourself always lagging behind your workmates, submitting your work late and looking bad in front of your Boss!! As much as you want to change, you don’t know exactly why you cannot get work done… Relax, we give you 6 reasons why you may be unproductive and ways you can improve and be a more effective worker.

You are Unproductive because-

You have a short attention span-
short attention span is one of the reasons why you are unproductiveYou start your work with enthusiasm, interest and commitment. You even overcome initial difficulties but some time later, your attention wanes, your enthusiasm runs out and you start getting bored. It goes in a downward spiral after that, you struggle to keep yourself interested, you take frequent breaks, switch to other tasks and sometimes even give up the task halfway.
Tip for you: What you need is consistency and ability to sustain your energy and enthusiasm. You need to use your short attention span to your own advantage. Break your work into manageable segments and have goals of finishing one at a time. Once you finish one segment, use the time to work on something else or take a short break. After some time come back to the next segment and work on it till you finish it. This way you will not lose interest and the work will also not suffer.
Remember to manage your time well to take enough small breaks but also get back to work fast. While you are doing one work, give it your entire attention.
You love to Multi task-
You answer the phone while you are typing, you are chatting while you are working in excel and you are handling four projects at a time. But have you noticed the quality of work that is coming out, have you seen the mistakes that are a regular feature of your work? Do you still feel proud about this ability to multitask? Research today shows that multitasking can mar your performance while causing stress. It prevents you from focusing on a single activity and overloads your brain and with so much to process, it makes mistakes and fumbles with the simplest of tasks.
Tip for you: Resist your need to being overtly effective instead pay attention to details. Work on one thing at a time and focus on it. You also need to prioritize and give importance to the tasks that are more important. While on it you must resist yourself from being distracted by mails, chats or the need to surf. This may be difficult at first but will be easy as you work on it and your work will also be done much faster and in a better way.
You are Bored most of the time
Boredom at work is one of the reasons you are unproductiveYou are not stimulated by your work and feel that it is drudgery. Since it is not very appealing to you, you give only half of your best. It is not like you are not responsible or a good worker, it is just that you are not suitable for the work you are doing. Thus you end up being frustrated!

Tip for you: You need to look at what you are doing very seriously, are you doing what you love? Ask yourself if you are doing what you like… if not what is it that you do? Untill you find out, at least be loyal to your work, give your hundred percent. Being bored and working half heartedly is disrespecting your work as well as yourself. Don’t waste your time on being average, either give your best shot or find and follow your passion.

You are not a Planner
You are smart, hard working and committed, your only flaw -you are disorganized and bad at planning. Either you are working very little or working too hard. You are also bad in time management and this lands you in trouble as there are times when you forget important deadlines and meetings!
Tip for you: You simply have to learn management skills, you need to use tools like reminders and planners and organize your style of working. If you find planning to hampering your working style, divide your time between doing constructive work for half the day and creative work the rest of the day.
Set targets for yourself and don’t leave till you complete them. This way even though there is no external pressure, you will always monitor your progress and know what to do next.

You are too comfortable
Being too comfortable is one of the reasons you are unproductive “If you’re comfortable, you’re in a bad place” says a famous quote by Bob Procter. Ask yourself if you are challenging yourself? Or if are you changing, growing, learning along the way? If you feel very comfortable at present and are afraid of changing, you need exactly that- a change.
When we are in our comfort zone and  all our needs are taken care of, there is no challenge, we are losing out on making the entire use of our potential. We may stick to what we are good at but never discover what we are great at. Being content is good but being complacent isn’t! So if you find yourself in a rut, rethink your choices and make a change, you may struggle or even fail but you will be at least learning and growing.
Tip for you: Challenge yourself, get a new project at work and put all your energy into. Discover arenas in your own field which you know nothing about and start learning, learning is the best way to come out of comfort zone and feel energized, be it new software of a new responsibility, it will surely improve you.

With these tips we hope, you overcome your habits and obstacles and be a productive and happy worker!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Love God

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." - Matt 6:33

This verse eludes me sometimes, letting Satan ensnare me with unholy thoughts. I should always remember God first & love Him first. When God occupies my thoughts, unnecessary thoughts will flee from me. God is Love. I love God. Peace, at last. :)

I Love God. :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Give Chance~

Haha.. I'm asked to give chance. So funny.

Another person also said: "How you know he's chasing you? Dun malu k? Wait till he confess den you reject."

Platonic Friendship - possible?

Ya.. I think I over-think. I shall simply enjoy this period of pre-courtship into a relationship & get to know this person as a close friend first. We must open up & chat more as I truly cherish this friendship. It is good that we can go 1 step closer to know each other.

Stop day-dreaming. Stay friends! Close friends! With God, everything is possible. Pray. :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

How to reject a guy gently & still remain friends.

Guess I've decided.

But this is the 1st time I'm rejecting a Christian guy, so I want to be as gentle as possible. I cant just avoid or got MIA like what I've done in the past because I definitely treasure his friendship. Gosh. This is so serious that I gotta google it. Then, I got comforted by this passage:

If there is one thing that regular men do not have to go through as often as women do, it is the constant onslaught of advances coming from members of the opposite sex. This is a social phenomenon that has been occurring for nearly all of humankind; men have been given the duty of courting the women since the caveman days. So women have learned better techniques when handling situations where their male acquaintances express a deeper-than-friend emotional connection. But even with the years and years of experience, I often have my female friends ask me advice on how they can possibly reject the advances, while still saving the friendship and keeping it on a not-awkward status. It is quite difficult to do, but still possible.

We're clean. The most he has
done so far is to walk me home..

Ladies, please keep this in mind: When a guy has decided that he likes you more than a friend, and has expressed it to you, it is very difficult for him to backpedal and pretend like it didn’t happen. It has something to do with his pride. Think about it. How embarrassing is it that this person that you like doesn’t like you in return? It brings about feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. I’m sure these feelings aren’t exclusive to the male gender; everybody has gone through it. Rejection sucks! I’ve been rejected countless times. And in many of those rejections, I’ve been able to remain friends with the person who rejected me. There are a few differences between these rejections when I remained friends with the girl versus when we never talked again.

These are the things that made a difference for me:

1. The girl still wanted to be friends. In order for you to remain friends, you have to actually place an importance on the friendship. If the guy senses that he has become just any other rejection, and feels like he has turned into an annoyance, he will most likely be awkward around you. He might even start avoiding you when he sees you.

Just friendship!
2. The girl clearly communicated that I meant a lot to her. This is how you let the guy know that he isn’t an annoyance. Of course, the only way that the guy will want to be your friend is if he feels that you genuinely WANT the friendship, and you truly care for him, even if he wants a little more right now. If you communicate that you want to be his friend, he should understand. Guys don’t like hints. Guys like it straight, no chaser.

3. The girl gave me time. Ladies, please listen to me. This is the most important tip I have for you. This is the glue that will hold the other tips together. This is the key to remaining friends with a guy after you have rejected him. Once you decide to be friends, and you clearly express it to the guy, you need to give him some time and space so that his feelings will die down. If you do not do this, things could get very ugly. There are several possible outcomes. The guy could continue trying to pursue you, the guy could be depressed every time he is around you, or the guy could cut you off for good once he feels like you are stringing him along. So in order to avoid these things from happening, you need to let the guy have time to calm down, even if it hurts in the meantime to not talk to him.


Look, nothing is perfect, and not every suggested solution will work, but in my past experience, these are the differences between me being friends with a girl after she rejected me, or vice versa.  In some instances, emotions may be stronger, and in other instances, guys may not care at all that you reject him and will act normal regardless.  It all depends on the type of relationship you have.  But one thing is for sure: clear and honest communication is the way to get what you both want from a relationship, whatever type of relationship that is. 

What's the biblical way to do this?

Should I Reject Him?

I think this guy in church is pursuing me. I'm stressed because other than being a Christian, he doesn't have the qualities I look for in a bf/ future husband.

Qualities that stirs me:
1) Christian: He must love God. (tick)
2) He must love me. (tick, I assume)

I'd love to be carried by him ~

3) I must love him (no tick. No chemistry)
4) He must be disciplined. Wakes up early & does his work religiously. (no tick. He seems like the average guy. Not extremely discplined, yet not extremely slack either. But I need him to wake me up & lead me in QT. So this quality is extremely dear to me..)
5) He must be intelligent (no tick)
6) He must be financial stable (no tick)
7) He must be mature & independent (no tick. He's 1 yr younger than me)
8) He must be of same age or older (no tick. See above)

Nb: It doesn't matter if he can sing, play the piano, dance, draw or recite. These are bonus qualities. Not essential ones. I can do the above.

At this point in time. I prefer not to lead him on and simply remain as good friends. He is a nice guy, no doubt. But he hasn't fully mature in thought. He has money issues and needs to defer his studies to work 1st. His family is abit messy. Late-coming dad, non-cooking yet working mum, 2 other young brothers who used to quarrel with him. He's not well-groomed. Sigh.. But this is the 1st Christian guy that ever pursue me. Lord, is he really the one? Really? But I did pray for a Christian guy that is of same age or older.

If I truly don't want to lead him on, or hurt his feelings, please teach me how to reject him. Help me, Lord. :(

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Time control.

God is fair. Everyone gets only 24h a day, n time moves in the same manner for everyone. It never slow down or speed up for anyone. So, those who can control time gets the best out of their life.

I'm a loser I'm controlled by time. I always lose time. I'm always rushing for time. Always late, always angry with ppl who slow me down, always can't get out of bed. This is terrible. I must control time. Be extremely disciplined. Lord, help me. If I can do it, I think this would be the single most life-changing achievement I'd ever make. Amen.

Friday, March 11, 2011

I am not happy.

I know that for a fact because I'm frowning. I seem to lack interest in all that I do. I cant concentrate to do my work at all. I find them repelling. I need to detox my mind. Free it, clean it well before I let more things enter. I feel overwhelmed. My to-do list is accumulating. I need to rest & recharge first. Then, I can find one day to sit down and clear out all my work. Now is not the time. Not today.

Lord, help me.. :(

Panasonic Core Trainer EU7805

I am a couch potato. I think this is useful. Cost: $2688. Should I get it? Been thinking about this for months...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Be Content.

Indeed, nothing else in this world can ever make you happier than being pleased & at ease with what I already have.

"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us therewith content." - 1 Tim 6:6-8

- I have food, I have clothes. I should be contented. :)

"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have; for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." - Heb 13:5

- Stop comparing! There is always someone better & stronger than me out there. So what's the point? If I keep comparing, I'll be sucked into a never-ending desire to outperform others; I'll never be happy.

- Watched Absolute Boyfriend (Jap serial) yesterday. This robot is created to love his master. His entire thoughts are focused on how to make his master (gf) happy. As long as she is happy, he is happy. To do that, he doesn't mind working as a cleaner in the same company as her, and he doesn't feel inferior about it. He even has many friends in the company! He will cook and go to lengths to make sure she is taken care of. He will consider her needs and feelings first. Well, he is a robot, so it is not possible for us humans to go to such extremes. But my point is, be happy, be contented & do what I truly like!

- I don't live in other people's mind or mouth. People are usually concerned about themselves. I am but a passerby in a person's life. That person may perceive me as a friend or a competitor. It is up to me to position myself to that person. And of course, I wish to make more friends than enemies or strangers. Hence, I must position myself as someone helpful, kind, caring, considerate, friendly and non-threatening. To be non-threatening, I must first love myself for who I am and be contented. Only then can I have the space in my heart and mind to consider others & think about them.

- Conclusion: Postpone or forsake my plans of doing MBA totally. I must first concentrate on being contented with who I am. And I know I will not be contented until I at least begin to try the things I like e.g. dance, play piano, keep fit, wake up early (disciplined).

From today onwards, I shall only indulge myself in the things I like. Add oil! :)