Thursday, March 10, 2011

Be Content.

Indeed, nothing else in this world can ever make you happier than being pleased & at ease with what I already have.

"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us therewith content." - 1 Tim 6:6-8

- I have food, I have clothes. I should be contented. :)

"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have; for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." - Heb 13:5

- Stop comparing! There is always someone better & stronger than me out there. So what's the point? If I keep comparing, I'll be sucked into a never-ending desire to outperform others; I'll never be happy.

- Watched Absolute Boyfriend (Jap serial) yesterday. This robot is created to love his master. His entire thoughts are focused on how to make his master (gf) happy. As long as she is happy, he is happy. To do that, he doesn't mind working as a cleaner in the same company as her, and he doesn't feel inferior about it. He even has many friends in the company! He will cook and go to lengths to make sure she is taken care of. He will consider her needs and feelings first. Well, he is a robot, so it is not possible for us humans to go to such extremes. But my point is, be happy, be contented & do what I truly like!

- I don't live in other people's mind or mouth. People are usually concerned about themselves. I am but a passerby in a person's life. That person may perceive me as a friend or a competitor. It is up to me to position myself to that person. And of course, I wish to make more friends than enemies or strangers. Hence, I must position myself as someone helpful, kind, caring, considerate, friendly and non-threatening. To be non-threatening, I must first love myself for who I am and be contented. Only then can I have the space in my heart and mind to consider others & think about them.

- Conclusion: Postpone or forsake my plans of doing MBA totally. I must first concentrate on being contented with who I am. And I know I will not be contented until I at least begin to try the things I like e.g. dance, play piano, keep fit, wake up early (disciplined).

From today onwards, I shall only indulge myself in the things I like. Add oil! :)

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